We make mobile apps.
All day, Every day.

At Yolo-Apps, we’re more than app developers; we’re your project’s co-pilots, guiding you through a fun and seamless development process.

Your vision, our expertise—let’s make your app idea soar.

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What we offer

Cross-platform Development

One code to rule them all!

Technical Spec & design

From Concept to an Elegant App Design

Quality Assurance (QA)

Comprehensive Testing Strategies

Flexible Support by Senior DevOps

Going Above and Beyond

Why choose us?

Why choose us?

Partnership Approach

We see our clients as our partners, actively contributing insights and advice to ensure your business thrives in competitive markets.

Senior Developer Expertise

Led by senior developers, each project meets high standards of quality and innovation. Our rigorous selection process ensures you partner with top industry talent.

Global Team, Multilingual Support

Our multilingual team, fluent in Hebrew, Russian, and English, fosters global collaboration, attracts top talent, and maintains competitive costs.

Comprehensive Services from Concept to Launch

Yolo-Apps is your comprehensive app development partner, handling everything from spec to market launch with precision and care for a seamless journey.

Unmatched Flutter Expertise

Cross-platform excellence, that delivers high-performance, beautifully designed apps from a single codebase. Fast, flexible, and future-proof!

Selective Project Engagement

Our passion for select projects guarantees full engagement and superior results, ensuring we're as invested in your success as you are.

Recent projects

Friends & Partners

Meet The Players



Code Captain



Deal Maker


Design Ninja

Not sure yet?

We firmly believe that developing your own product should not only be an enjoyable journey but also a stress-free experience. We’re here to make sure that happens. Drop us a message and let’s set up a time for a friendly, no-pressure meeting where we can explore your product ideas in depth. We’ll discuss your vision, your goals, and how we can support you in bringing your project to life with our expertise.


What technology stack do you specialize in for app development?

We primarily use Flutter for mobile app development, allowing us to build beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

Our UX/UI design process starts with understanding the your needs and the core functionality of the app. We then move into wireframing, user interface design, and usability testing to ensure an intuitive and engaging user experience.

Quality is paramount in our development process. We integrate continuous quality assurance (QA) checks throughout the development cycle, including automated testing, peer reviews, and beta testing phases to ensure a robust and error-free application.

We offer a one-year bug-free guarantee, committing to fix any bugs that may arise due to new operating system updates or other issues. Additionally, we are available to continue developing new features, whether you prefer to work per feature or utilize a monthly bank of hours for ongoing enhancements.

The cost and timeline of a project are determined based on the project’s scope, complexity, and specific requirements. We work closely with clients to define clear objectives and deliverables, then provide a detailed proposal outlining the estimated time and costs involved.

Our apps are built with scalability in mind. We ensure that your app can handle increased load and functionality as your user base grows or as your business needs evolve.



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