What it takes to build an app? (from idea validation to deployment and first revenue)

Designers Discussing Interface of Mobile App

Introductory meeting and review of the idea

In the initial mobile app development phase, multiple meetings align the development team with the client’s business expectations and goals. This stage is crucial for strategizing and mapping out the application’s purpose and preliminary design, setting a foundation for the comprehensive lifecycle of app development. Unlike more straightforward digital projects like websites, mobile apps require a detailed approach from the outset, choosing an experienced software development company essential for validating the viability and market potential of the idea, thus avoiding unnecessary costs and misdirection.

Competitors survey and validation for the idea

Thorough market research and competitor analysis are indispensable before development kicks off. This step determines if a similar solution exists, evaluates the target audience’s needs, and assesses the market’s capacity to embrace your app.

Technical and functional characterization

The characterization document, viewed as the blueprint of your project, outlines every aspect of the app—from its objectives and target audience to product structure and user interface. This document, crafted using tools like Figma or Adobe XD, includes detailed sketches of the app’s screens, showcasing the flow and interaction design vital for the development phase.

A well-prepared mobile app characterization document includes:

  1. App objectives – What problem/problems does the app solve?
  2. Target audience insights- who is the app aimed at?
  3. Detailed product structure (components, interfaces, technologies, platforms, data management, performance)
  4. Product behavior and user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design
  5. Integration and security strategies
  6. Project milestones
  7. Deployment strategy – installing, configuring, updating, and running one application or a suite of applications that make the application available for use
  8. Compliance with the law and regulations
Designers Discussing Interface of Mobile App

Technical and functional characterization requires professional knowledge and extensive experience. Our team has performed many technological characterizations for different types of applications launched on the market with great success. When you receive the characterization document, you will also be able to know the estimated costs and development duration.

We must emphasize that only a correct technical and functional characterization can give you the most approximate estimated cost for your project.

Interface design and user experience

The design phase should make your app visually distinctive and user-friendly. This involves creating a mock-up that details design elements such as color schemes, typography, and the overall layout, culminating in a comprehensive diagram of the app’s interfaces and navigational structure.

Technical development

This phase involves the actual coding and assembly of the app, where the development team integrates various system components and conducts initial quality assurance tests. The outcome includes distinct app versions for both iOS and Android platforms.


We have reached the first milestone, releasing the initial version to users, selected customers and receiving feedback.

The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is your app’s first functional iteration, released to gather user feedback and initial revenues, which can be crucial for iterative development. This version should be robust enough to stand alone and provide a complete user experience without apparent deficiencies.

Marketing and improving the app

Post-MVP, marketing strategies are defined and continual improvements are made towards the full app version. This phase focuses on enhancing the app’s features based on user feedback and market demands.

Monetization and optimization

Finally, the monetization strategies defined in the characterization phase are implemented. Engaging with marketing professionals who understand how to reach and expand your target audience effectively is crucial. As the app gains traction, ongoing support, and updates are necessary to align with user expectations and compliance standards.

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